Nobles County

Nobles County, website

nobles county map

Nobles County in Minnesota uses area code 507. This page is a phonebook directory listing the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Nobles County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.

Sheriff’s Office

1530 Airport Road
Suite 100
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5400
Fax: (507) 372-5977

Police Department

1530 Airport Road 300
Worthington, Minnesota 56187

Phone: (507) 372-2136

District Court

1530 Airport Road

P. O. Box 547
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5170
Fax: (507) 372-4994

District Attorney

1530 Airport Rd.
Suite 400
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5298
Fax: (507) 372-8439


315 10th St.

Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5258


315 Tenth St.
P. O. Box 757
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5208
Fax: (507) 372-8235

Nobles County Jail

1530 Airport Rd.

Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5378

Emergency Management

315 Tenth St.
P. O. Box 757
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5212
Fax: (507) 372-8363

Fire Department

P. O. Box 279

Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 360-7240

Human Resources Department

P. O. Box 757
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5201

Health Department

318 Ninth St.
P. O. Box 189
Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: (507) 295-5213

School District

1117 Marine Ave.
Worthington, MN 56187
Phone: (507) 372-2172