Fillmore County in Minnesota uses area code 507. This page is a phonebook directory listing the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Fillmore County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
901 Houston St. N. W.
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3874
Fax: (507) 765-2703
210 Fillmore Street West
Preston, Minnesota 55965
Phone: (507) 765-2153
Fax: (507) 765-2794
101 Fillmore Street
P. O. Box 436
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3356
Fax: (507) 765-4571
101 Fillmore St.
P. O. Box 466
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-2530
Fax: (507) 765-4543
101 Fillmore St. E.
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3811
101 Fillmore Street
P. O. Box 466
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3868
Fax: (507) 765-2802
901 Houston Street N. W.
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3874
901 Houston Street N. W.
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-2830
P. O. Box 216
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3801
902 Houston St. N. W.
Suite 2
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3898
Fax: (507) 765-2139
700 Chatfield Ave.
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3845